Separation Services

Family separation law

The date of family separation is an important one in family law. It anchors many parts of Australia’s family law, including the timeframe for divorce, and property rights. But what is a legal family separation, exactly?

Separation means that the relationship has been permanently severed. One person clearly communicates to the other, or the couple expressly decides, that the marriage or de facto relationship is now over.

Your challenges

At the time of family separation, there is a great deal to organise and to plan. You may be considering:

  • who should live where
  • what should happen with property, income, and debts: in the short-term and in the longer-term
  • new arrangements for the care and support of children after separation
  • new and affordable accommodation.
  • packing to leave and dividing furniture and other assets.

These are all huge challenges in themselves. Made more so under the emotional impact of separation which is often strong, and for some people, cataclysmic. It can be hard to get organised when you feel vulnerable, unsafe, confused or overwhelmed.

How we can help

Tribe’s one-to-one Separation Advisory Clinics feature analysis and planning, including dispute resolution planning. We are your separation coach.

  • We work with you to map out your overall task set and priorities.
  • We provide legal advice on initial steps for property and financial separation.
  • We can help with ideas about parenting arrangements.
  • We advise you about important legal timeframes and processes

We help you work out how to raise and discuss these issues with your partner. And we try to make sure that you’re travelling OK…